The 3 Wise Women of Manifesting and Visualization

Three of my favorite teachers on the art and science of the law of attraction happen to be women and come from my early days on this journey to this complete life. Business marketing drives most of the manifesting/visualization information available these days but these three stay focused on positive teachings.

My first encounter with the concept of synchronicity was absent-mindedly picking up The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron at a small book store while I was in art college. I got it home , looked inside and thought, "This isn't about what I thought it was". Then I realized I had no idea what it was about when I picked it up. Funny, since it completely changed my life.

Shakti Gawain guides people through the concepts of visualization. One of the early teachers of visualization and the interconnectedness of the universe, my first experience with her was the visualization book Living in the Light. It really woke me up to universal energy and helped me define my own belief systems.

A fresh voice on the topic of tuning in to your higher-self and developing your own intuitive powers, Sonia Choquette has a matter-of-fact approach. In the review I wrote of her book Trust Your Vibes, I share an amusing lesson I received on trusting my own vibes while writing the review.

These 3 women have a nurturing way of sharing their wisdom. A nice relief from the go-go-go, buy now, act now syndrome that permeates the personal development realm.